Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Values of network marketing

  • Equal opportunities, good education
    • low entrance- anybody with determination can do it
    • people in network want you to be good, want to see you improve, want to help you because helping you helps them
  • Friends and people network
    • Robert Metcalfe (3Com): value of a network = ( number of users)^2
    • Don't surround yourself with people who neither want to change nor see you change. Surround yourself with people who think alike as you do, people also working towards their FREEDOM.
    • people in the employee mindset (E quadrant) are usually driven by fear. They fear for becoming jobless, fear of changing. They will laugh at you, pull you back- all because they are afraid.
  • Develop personal selling/marketing skills
    • selling is the most basic skill of the B quadrant
    • people who despise selling are usually in fact hiding their fears
      • e.g. "selling is below me", "I've got a good education, why should I sell?"
    • overcome fear of rejection
      • most successful people = people who get rejected the most!
      • the reason one's unsuccessful: because they don't get rejected enough!
    • overcoming fear is advantageous for every aspect of life
      • find girl of your dreams - how Robert met Mrs. Kiyoaski
      • convince & persuade
    • traditional salesman vs. network marketing salesman
      • traditional: get fired for not having enough sales, competition
      • network marketing: leaders want you to improve and will help you do it
  • Don't work for money!
    • jump out of the employee's mindset- don't work for that pay rise, work to build a system
    • know the difference between MONEY & WEALTH
      • WEALTH is not measured by MONEY, but TIME
      • WEALTH is how long you can support your living without working (avg American family = 42 days)
      • TIME is you greatest asset! If you want to be rich, you need a lot of free TIME. By getting a job you are selling your greatest asset- TIME.
    • Work for your wealth, don't work for money!
  • Pursue your dreams
    • You are what you dream
    • "I can't afford it." vs. "How can I afford it?"
    • Having no money is only temporary, not having a dream is more frightening.
    • A lot of people are poor because they gave up on their dreams
  • Families
    • network marketing encourages families
    • work with you spouse, family
      • having same objectives brings family members closer
      • learn together
      • work on own schedule, more time together with family
  • Tax advantages
    • government encourage building business
    • tax write-offs for daily expenses

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